About us
The Lifescience Campus Großhadern/Martinsried exhibits a concentration of internationally renowned research institutions which is unique in Europe. Researchers from Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität (LMU) Munich, the Max-Planck-Institutes for Biochemistry and Neurobiology as well as from the Helmholtz Center work in close proximity. In addition to these research institutions, several LMU clinical institutes are located on campus, integrating cutting-edge research with state-of-the-art medical care. See www.campusmartinsried.de/en/home/ for more detailed information.
This dense concentration of expertise provides a rich research and educational environment for doctoral candidates, and hosts a number of graduate programs. These programs have strong individual assets, fostering the development of scientific expertise and successful careers in a broad spectrum of fields in the life sciences.
Initiated by the GraduateCenterLMU, the various graduate programs of the Lifescience Campus have teamed up to work toward the common goal of providing doctoral researchers an excellent education with a sound foundation based on good scientific practice. This Campus network is committed to creating synergies, strengthening the scientific community by promoting interdisciplinary communication and cooperation as well as organizing large scale information events on topics of overall interest and benefit.