Other web resources (speakers' suggestions)
- John Ioannidis: "Reproducible Research: True or False?" | Talks at Google (YouTube Video)
- Some weblinks provides by Dr. Felix Schönbrodt (invited speaker 2017, 2021):
https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/p-hacking - Some Weblinks provided by Prof. Dr. Deborah Weber-Wulff (invited speaker 2017):
VroniPlag, a "File comparison tool", Blog by Deborah Weber-Wulff, Plagiarism Detection Software Test 2013 - Some Statements from the GV-SOLAS (Gesellschaft für Versuchstierkunde) in the context of Animal Research
- Image Integrity Assessment brought to you by Biovoxxel
- meno.science: making preprints discoverable (AI-enabled network for peer reviewed preprint publishing) https://meno.science/
- LMU Open Science Center https://www.osc.uni-muenchen.de/index.html
- OSF (Open Science Framework) https://osf.io/
- The Turing Way - Open Source Guide to Responsible Research - https://the-turing-way.netlify.app/welcome
- Student Minds: UK’s student mental health charity https://www.studentminds.org.uk/
- SMaRTeN www.smarten.org.uk
- World Economic Forum (WEF) Code of Ethics for Researchers https://widgets.weforum.org/coe/index.html#code
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