Responsible Research

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Program 2024

LMU Biomedical Center Munich, small lecture hall N02.040

Time Topic Lecturer
12:00 Registration
Welcome and Opening Life Science Network Munich and Prof. Dr. Nikolaus Plesnila, Medical Faculty LMU Munich
12:45 Keynote 1: Unconscious Bias in academia Dr. Gerlind Wallon, EMBO Heidelberg
13:45 Keynote 2: AI in Science: Paradigm shift or a lot more of the same? Dr. Susanne Beck, Warwick Business School
14:45 Coffee Break


LMU Biomedical Center and LMU Biocenter, rooms will be announced on site

5 parallel Breakout Sessions.

Time Topic Lecturer
15:30      Authorship, plagiarism and entitlements to data in the age of AI Prof. Dr. Ansgar Ohly, Faculty of Law, LMU Munich
15:30  Ethics and Innovation: Balancing Large Language Models in the Research Ecosystem                                  Dr. Tobias Straub, BMC Bioinformatics Core Facility, LMU Munich
15:30  Predatory Journals - What you need to know Veronika Reinertshofer, University Library, LMU Munich
15:30  Science Communication and Responsible Research Dr. Bernhard Goodwin, Munich Science Communication Lab (MSCL)
15:30  Responsible Bibliometrics Agnes Geißelmann, University Library, LMU Munich
17:00  Refreshments


LMU Biomedical Center Munich, small lecture hall N02.040

Time Topic Lecturer
17:15 Keynote 3: The importance of supervision for researchers Bodo Richter, EU Kommission
18:15 Closing remarks  Life Science Network Munich